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The Annoying Cups Browsed

Recently every time I reboot the debian, the screen pauses at a line: a stop job is running for make remote cups printers available locally and I must wait 1min30s!!. And I directly goolged this sentence only to find that there are not many people who dicuss it, and this sentence has also grammar error.

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git checkout vs git reset

首先,这两个命令都很常用,比如git checkout用来切换branch,git reset HEAD filename用来unstage一个文件。 以下对两者在撤消更改和回退历史版本的应用中的不同略做总结。


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WD hdd Click Noise Solution

WD hdd Click Noise Solution

The annoying noise of Western Digital Black hard disk, with its so-called "intelligent" Advanced Power Management (APM) feature.

For Windows

Just use CrystalDiskInfoPortable, and configure it to disbale APM and run it in background.

For Debian

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What is more important?

Everyone has his own answer to the question that what is more important in his life

Which one is more important?

Direction > Effort
Health > Money
Life > Diplome
Ability > Knowledge
Action > will

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