The Annoying Cups Browsed

Recently every time I reboot the debian, the screen pauses at a line: a stop job is running for make remote cups printers available locally and I must wait 1min30s!!. And I directly goolged this sentence only to find that there are not many people who dicuss it, and this sentence has also grammar error.

Point Here

Actually, it is the cups-browsed daemon service that causes problems, because its service desription is exactly make remote cups printers available locally, so the message above is "we are stopping cups-browsed service, 1min30s", how can it be!!! 1min30s I already reboot 10 times on a SSD!

For me, cups-browsed is useless, I should disable it from boot to shutdown, so

  • sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed.service
  • sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed.service
  • sudo systemctl status cups-browsed or sudo systemctl is-enabled cups-browsedto verify

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